Phase 2b (School Road area immediately south of the Lewis Avenue intersection) work has now been substantially completed and will be open to traffic later today, August 4th. Thus, the entire length of School Road will now be open. However, please realize that the Contractor has a significant amount of work remaining in this area and that traffic flow interruptions/delays may occur.
Phase 3 construction work, which includes the westerly section of Roberts Road (from the Roberts Park entrance to School Road), has started and is anticipated to continue through Friday, August 25th. Routing to the Roberts Park entrance is signed with access only from the south/west on Roberts Road. During Phase 3, the Roberts Park entrance area will be constructed under traffic while coordinating construction activities with park events.
Overall, the project construction is proceeding well and remains on schedule to be completed in early November. If interested in further construction phasing and current traffic detour information, please see the City’s website at . For the safety of construction workers, adjacent property owners and the traveling public, please adhere to the road closure, speed limit and detour signage. Thank you!
View further construction phasing and current traffic detour information.