City Council Meeting and Agenda Information
To add an item to the council meeting agenda contact Melissa Starke, 320-234-4202. Information and supporting documentation needs to be submitted one week prior to the Council meeting to be included in the council agenda packet.
Meeting Times
The Hutchinson City Council regularly meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Center. The mayor serves as the presiding officer. The mayor and council members each have a single vote. Three members constitute a quorum. Most council motions require a majority vote for passage.
The council also holds frequent workshop meetings. Most are held at 4:00 p.m. prior to the regular council meetings. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, are open to the public.
All regular council meetings are broadcast live and replayed on Hutchinson Cable Video Network (HCVN) Channel 10.
Posted 1/25/2018
Copies of the City Council Meeting Agenda are available just outside the entrance to the Council Chambers, or at the City of Hutchinson’s public online document site. Navigate to the boards and commissions minutes and agendas. Do you wish to address the council on an agenda item? Typically, the mayor will ask for public comments when appropriate. To address the council, approach the podium and state your name and address for the record using the microphone provided.
The Agenda
Special Matters—pertains to items such as awards, proclamations, special recognition, etc.
Minutes—acceptance and approval of the minutes from the council and other proceedings such as bid openings.
Consent Agenda—covers routine administrative matters and may include recommended planning commission items. These items are not discussed, and may all be approved as recommended on the staff reports. The mayor will provide an opportunity for a council member or citizen to ask that an item be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items pulled will receive separate action. All items not removed from the Consent Agenda will be approved by a single motion of the council.
Public Hearing—held as a separate item of business on the agenda, generally commencing at 6:00 p.m. The public hearing segment is your opportunity to tell the council how you feel about issues scheduled to be heard. Typically, a hearing follows these steps:
- Staff makes presentation regarding the hearing item
- Council members ask questions for clarification
- Mayor opens hearing to the public
- Council discusses the item
- Council takes action
When you are called upon for your comments, please step to the microphone at the podium and state your name and address for the record. Occasionally, the council may continue a hearing to another meeting before taking action.
For some items requiring a public hearing (i.e. street improvement projects, street construction projects, sewer projects, assessment hearings) an informational meeting may be held prior to the council meeting. The affected property owners will be notified of the meetings by the Engineering/Public Works department.
Communications, Requests and Petitions—requests, reports and presentation to the council that may or may not require any action.
Unfinished Business—agenda items continued from previous council meeting(s).
New Business—items intended primarily for council discussion and action. The mayor has the discretion as to what, if any, public comments will be heard on these items.
Miscellaneous—provides the opportunity for council members and staff to report on items, which directly or indirectly relate to the city. Individuals who wish to address the council on subjects that are not part of the meeting agenda may do so. Typically, the council will not take action on items presented at this time, but will refer them to staff for review, action and/or recommendation for further council action.
Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments—action is taken to approve and authorize payment of city bills and purchases.