Hutchinson Police Services is proud to announce the
return of its Citizen Police Academy. The CPA will give participants an inside look at the history, programs, and day to day operations of Hutchinson Police Services.
Participants will attend 7 class sessions, once a week on Wednesday evenings, covering various topics, concluding with a graduation ceremony at the end. Each participant will also have the opportunity to complete a 4-hour ride-a-long with an officer on patrol if they so choose. The first class is scheduled to begin on Wednesday October 23rd. Class times will generally be conducted from 6:00pm and conclude at 9:00pm.
To be considered for inclusion, potential participants need to fill out an application and waiver, and submit to Sgt Ben Erlandson at Hutchinson Police Services beginning September 9th and closing October 18th. The application and waiver can be found on the Hutchinson Police Services Website, or at the front desk at Hutchinson Police Services (214 1st Ave NE). A limited background check will be conducted on each applicant to ensure all participants are fit for inclusion, as some of the topics covered include sensitive information and detail day to day operations of the police department. Once accepted, participants will be notified by October 21st.
Class size will be limited. Participants under 18 years of age will need parent/guardian approval. Participants that have never attended in the past will be given priority. This class is open to those that live in, work in, or go to school in the City of Hutchinson. Any questions about the program can be directed to Sgt Ben Erlandson at [email protected] or at (320) 234-4491.
We look forward to hosting the 2024 Hutchinson Police Citizens Police Academy.
Hutchinson Citizens Police Academy Application
Hutchinson Citizens Police Academy Application Waiver