June 12, 2017
Press Release
Storm Damage from June 11, 2017 storm
The City has declared this event to be a storm for forestry purposes.
Significant wind accompanied the storm on the morning of Sunday, June 11, 2017. There were a number of tree limbs and branches that broke off as a result of high winds.
Residents must contact the City to have any brush from storm damaged trees removed. Residents are encouraged to report any potentially hazardous conditions in boulevard trees located along their street.
In order for residents to have brush removed, residents need to call the City at (320) 234-4219 to report the address where they placed the brush. Brush needs to be brought to the edge of the street, behind the curb on the boulevard. Brush that is not placed adjacent to the edge of the roadway will not be removed by the City.
During the period June 12 to June 21, 2017, the City will be hauling and/or chipping brush from damaged limbs and branches. After the deadline of June 21, the City will no longer respond to calls for brush removal. After June 21, property owners will be responsible for removing their own brush.