City of Hutchinson
Public Works
Maintenance Operations
1400 Adams St SE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Phone (320) 234-4219 Fax (320) 234-6971
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
City of Hutchinson Prepares for 2021 Mosquito Season
The City of Hutchinson will again be implementing its mosquito population reduction efforts this year. The goal of the program is to reduce the number of nuisance mosquitoes. Along with being a nuisance, some mosquitoes can be the transmitters of several serious diseases.
The company chosen to help maintain the mosquito control program is Clarke Mosquito Control, Clearwater, MN. They encourage any residents who may have questions, to call them toll free at (800) 240-4262. More information can also be found at the City of Hutchinson website
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All dates are subject to change without notice.
Tentative Dates
Larval Treatment – around May 11
Light Trap Set Up – around May 24
The focus of the adulticide program will again be to minimize active adult mosquitoes. As trucks move about the neighborhoods using ultra-low volume sprayers mounted in the back, a light visible fog will move through the area. The fog will not cause visibility problems. Common sense precautions should be taken, including keeping away from the spray vehicles and out of the fog cloud. The majority of the spraying will be done from dusk to midnight or early morning before dawn. Trucks are equipped with GPS tracking devices and variable flow equipment allowing them to drive around 2 to 25 mph keeping the correct dosage.
The following dates are proposed dates of treatment for Wednesday nights, weather permitting.
Treatments may be extended if deemed necessary by City Officials.
City Wide ULV Truck Treatments
Wednesday nights . . . May 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, July 7, 14, 21
Possible additional Wednesday nights . . . July 28, August 4, 18
Reminders and updates will be posted on
Everbridge Notification System and on local media sites.