National Community Survey Results for Hutchinson MN

View The NCS (National Community Survey) Results


The National Community Survey™ (The NCS) report is about the “livability” of Hutchinson. The phrase “livable community” is used here to evoke a place that is not simply habitable, but that is desirable. It is not only where people do live, but where they want to live.

The Community Livability Report provides the opinions of a representative sample of 540 residents of the City of Hutchinson. This report is the most universal and summarizes all the results and key findings.  This is the central public document dealing with the results of the survey.

The NCS captures residents’ opinions within the three pillars of a community (Community Characteristics, Governance and Participation) across eight central facets of community (Safety, Mobility, Natural Environment, Built Environment, Economy, Recreation and Wellness, Education and Enrichment and Community Engagement). This report summarizes Hutchinson’s performance in the eight facets of community livability with the “General” rating as a summary of results from the overarching questions not shown within any of the eight facets. The “Overall” represents the community pillar in its entirety (the eight facets and general).

Trend data for Hutchinson reveals how resident perspectives and behaviors have changed across the last four surveys.  This report offers a high level view of how rankings have changed as well as relative position to the benchmark results.

Overall, ratings in Hutchinson for 2019 generally remained stable. Of the 134 items for which comparisons were available, 82 items were rated similarly in 2015 and 2019, 3 items showed a decrease in ratings and 49 showed an increase in ratings. Among the 52 total Community Characteristics ratings, residents assessed 19 aspects more positiviely in 2019 than in 2015 and only one decreased.  Over half of the Governance ratings increased since 2015. Notable trends over time included the following:

Hutchinson, MN - 2019

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