Warm, wet conditions have made snowplowing of unpaved alleys unfeasible. Any equipment operations would result in significant and costly damage to the alleys. Due to this, the City of Hutchinson is asking property owners to consider parking on the street until conditions improve.
The City is also suspending alley services for the next three weeks, effective Monday, April 15 through Saturday, May 4. This includes services for Garbage, Compostables and Recyclables. Bins for those services will still be serviced if the bins are placed on the front or side streets. The bins will not be serviced in the alley. This applies to most alleys, whether paved or unpaved. Here is a map: Alleys Impacted By Suspended Services.
Spring Cleanup scheduled for April 20
The citywide spring cleanup will not service alleys due to the poor conditions. Property owners must set any items for pickup on the front or side street.
Any questions regarding garbage/compost/recycling pickup can be directed to the City’s Utility Billing department by calling (320) 234-5672. Questions regarding the alley conditions can be directed to the City’s Public Works Department at (320) 234-4219 or by using the Report a Problem feature on the City’s website. The City apologizes for the inconvenience.