It’s time to clean up our community. Let’s ‘Compost It Right!’
Hutchinson is an extraordinary city where residents can
easily dispose of their food scraps and yard waste through curbside collection! We’re proud to say that we transform this waste into compost at our fantastic local facility, CreekSide Soils. We sell it both in and out of the state to generate revenue for our community.
Not only does composting help us fund important City services, but it also allows us to save money on trash collection fees. And by diverting organic waste from landfills, we’re reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
Unfortunately, there’s a problem that needs our attention. We have a contamination issue in our curbside collection carts because some of our residents aren’t using the carts correctly.
What’s the contaminator? Plastics. When even a small number of households put plastic in their green lid organics carts, it contaminates the entire collection. It makes it nearly impossible to turn the collected organics into usable compost that the city can sell.
That’s why we need your help! Hutchinson is launching “Compost It Right!” This back-to-basics campaign aims to inspire residents to stop contaminating their green lid organics carts. If we succeed, the City can go back to creating quality compost that we can sell to add to our budget and use in our local parks. You can help by only tossing yard trimmings and food scraps into your green lid organics cart.
Visit the Composting Page to learn more about the “Compost It Right!” campaign and how you can help.
Without you, this unique program in Minnesota may lose its funding so let’s get started and Compost It Right!
This campaign is supported by grant funding from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.